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Seaweeds and turbulence

We study how turbulence and fluid mechanics affect the seaweed biology

Our lab joined the team of Prof. Alexander Golberg to develop technologically efficient, and techno-economically viable models and pilots of the off-shore biorefinery of seaweeds. Our part is the fluid physics and its effect on the various parts in the complex process: rapid growth rates, feeding models that lead to nitrogen absorption, mechano-sensory of algae to turbulence, pressure, light and temperature, bubbling and mixing.

Together with Prof. Golberg we supervised several undergraduate projects, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students and published more than 10 papers and a patent

Read more about this research:

Zollmann, M., Rubinsky, B., Liberzon, A. et al. Multi-scale modeling of intensive macroalgae cultivation and marine nitrogen sequestration. Commun Biol4, 848 (2021).

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